Best diets or foods for hair fall prevention

Hello guys, in this article Saify khan will tell you which foods or diets are best to improve your hair health and prevent hair fall, your diet have important role on hair health and what you eat have huge effect on hair health, I have mentioned some nutrients below and if you have any of deficiency in these nutrients can cause hair loss and effect on your hair health. Below are the essential nutrients for your hair health and hair fall prevention. 

Best diets or foods for hair fall prevention
Best diets or foods for hair fall prevention

1. Vitamins A
2. Vitamins C
3. Vitamins D
4. Vitamins E
5. Zinc
6. Iron
7. Biotin
8. Vitamins B
9. Protein
10. Essential fatty acids

I will mentioned top 10 foods which is rich in these nutrients, so read this article till end.

1. Fatty Fish 

A fatty fish like salmon, herring and mackerel have healthy omega-3 fatty acids which increase your hair growth and good for healthy hair. One interesting fact about omega 3 is that your body is unable to produce these healthy acids, so you need to eat fish for obtaining omega 3. In simple words you need to eat at least 3 times fatty fish ( salmon, herring and mackerel ) in month.

2. Walnuts

Walnuts is best source of hair nutrients  and for your health also,  as it contains different minerals, vitamins and healthy fats which make walnuts ideal food for you. Walnut is rich in antioxidants ( which is good source of anti-aging), it is super plant source of omega-3s and also improve brain functions and best thing is that it also contain vitamin E.

3. Eggs  

Egg are great source of biotin and protein, these two nutrients improve hair growth and deficiency of any these nutrients can direct cause hair loss. Egg are also great of zinc and other healthy nutrients which is my favorite diet to eat.

4. Berries and Strawberries

Berries and strawberries are rich source of vitamins C due to which  its has strong antioxidant properties which help in absorbing iron and protecting hair from damage ( harmful molecules ) and encourage hair growth.

5. Spinach

Spinach is healthy vegetable which contain folate, Vitamin A and C and iron which are necessary nutrients for healthy hair. Vitamin A moisturize the scalp to keep healthy hair.

6. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are great source of beta carotene and your body convert beta carotene into vitamin A which prevent hair loss and remember vitamin A keep your scalp clean and healthy.

7. Avocados

Avocados are delicious fruit which are rich in Vitamin E and it is also antioxidant and great source of essential fatty acids which is important for hair fall prevention and hair growth.

8. Sweet Peppers 

Sweet peppers help in hair growth and keep your hair healthy because it contain two necessary nutrients that are Vitamin A and C.

9. Beans

Beans are great source of zinc which help in repairing hair cycle and beans are also great source of protein. Beans contain many nutrients like protein, iron, zinc and biotin.

10. Oysters

If you have already hair fall issues then oysters is best solution to prevent hair fall and repair your hair cycle, as oysters is best source of zinc and zinc is mineral that help in hair growth and repairing hair cycle.